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Grupo HIMA•San Pablo

Grupo HIMA•San Pablo is a leader in the health care industry, with a strong commitment to curing and treating health conditions affecting patients around the world. Click for more info.


Special Care for Women and Mothers

In the specialized field of obstetrics and gynecology, HIMAHEALTH is proud to offer a comprehensive range of services. Our modern unit features leading-edge technologies, treatments and equipment that rival the finest hospitals anywhere in the world. And our U.S. board-certified physicians and specialists are among the best and the brightest in the rewarding field of women’s healthcare.

Within our Obstetrics and Gynecology Center, we serve patients in the practice of general obstetrics and gynecology, urogynecology, gynecologic oncology, reproductive endocrine and infertility, maternal fetal medicine, and neonatal care. This full-service women’s health unit unites the coordinated care of a fully interdisciplinary hospital to provide the highest levels of healthcare to women, mothers and their babies.

We are known for our success in the areas of high-risk pregnancies, maternal fetal medicine, advanced gynecological surgery and reproductive endocrinology. Our skilled physicians offer minimally invasive and highly effective surgical procedures done with the aid of laparoscopic or robotic surgery systems. Gynecological procedures done utilizing laparoscopic or robotic da Vinci® surgery technologies yield excellent results with less pain, scarring and faster recovery times.

We have served as the premier women’s healthcare center in the Caribbean for years, delivering the most technologically advanced medicine and personal care available. Now, we open our doors and our hearts to the women of the world.


This specialized branch of obstetrics focuses on the management of high-risk pregnancies through careful monitoring, medical and even surgical treatment. Technologies that we use include ultrasound imaging, chorionic villus sampling, genetic amniocentesis, and treatment to the fetus, including surgery.

Our subspecialty-trained obstetricians are U.S. board-certified perinatologists who have studied and practiced in some of the finest universities and hospitals on the U.S. mainland and around the world. In addition to monitoring and treating conditions in utero, we also provide consultation and counseling for medical management before becoming pregnant.

How is a high-risk pregnancy diagnosed or indicated? HIMAHEALTH uses the following criteria to make an assessment.

  • If the mother has a medical disorder that may have the potential of worsening during the pregnancy or if the disorder may affect the baby
  • If the mother has a genetic disorder that may be transmitted to the baby
  • If the baby has a genetic risk for a disorder like Down syndrome
  • If the baby has a congenital malformation that may need intervention and delivery planning
  • If the baby needs a complete fetal cardiovascular evaluation
  • If the mother is carrying an infection that may be transmitted to the baby
  • If the mother is carrying a multiple-order pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.)
  • If the baby needs medical or fetal surgical intervention inside the womb
  • If the mother has recurrent pregnancy losses
  • If the mother has cervical insufficiency or if a cervical cerclage (tracheloplasty) is needed

To carefully monitor and follow the development of the fetus in utero, we employ the following services:

  • Sonography for viability in the first trimester
  • First trimester screen (11-14 weeks) – nuchal translucency, measure nasal bone, ductus venosum dopplers, tricuspid regurgitation
  • Early transvaginal specialized sonogram (Level II targeted) – 11-16 weeks gestation
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) prenatal diagnosis to determine chromosomal or genetic disorders in the fetus
  • Amniocentesis (AFT) prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections using extracted amniotic fluid
  • Basic sonography
  • Specialized sonography (Level II targeted)
  • Biophysical profile prenatal ultrasound evaluation of fetal wellbeing. It includes amniotic fluid index, fetal tone, fetal activity and fetal breathing movements.
  • Fetal echocardiogram assessment of the fetal cardiovascular physiology through a sonogram of the heart
  • Doppler (middle cerebral artery, umbilical artery, ducts venosum)
  • Fetal blood sampling (Cordocentesis, PUBS) – a diagnostic genetic test that examines blood from the fetal umbilical cord to detect fetal abnormalities
  • Intrauterine fetal transfusion – highly specialized procedure where a fetus, while still inside the uterus, is given a blood transfusion to treat severe anemia (low blood level)
  • Fetoscopy – endoscopic procedure during pregnancy to allow access to the fetus, the amniotic cavity, the umbilical cord and the fetal side of the placenta


Our care begins before birth through careful management of pregnancies with high-risk medical problems (lupus, diabetes, etc.), pregnancies with infectious diseases (HIV, hepatitis C, herpes, etc.) and multiple-order pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.). We offer a full array of diagnostic and intervention treatments and surgeries to assist the expecting mother and her baby.

Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM)

  • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
  • Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
  • Gastroschisis
  • Giant Neck Mass (GNM)
  • Hydrocephalus
  • In Utero Stem Cell Transplantation
  • Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (SCT)
  • Spinal Bifida
  • Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence (TRAP)
  • Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
  • Multi-fetal Reduction (includes selective)
  • Cervical Cerclage
  • Abdominal Cerclage


Vagina Hysterectomy – a surgical procedure that removes the uterus through the vagina

Hysterectomoy – is the surgical removal of the uterus, usually performed by a gynecologist. Hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus and cervix of the uterus; often called complete) or partial (removal of the uterine body but leaving the cervical stump, also called supracervical).

Repair Urinary Incontinence – procedure used to repair the vaginal wall herniation that occurs with urethrocele, cystocele or rectocele. This is occasionally performed to treat stress incontinence in women by supporting the bladder and urethra in its proper position so it can function properly.

Coloporraphy – a surgical procedure, which repairs a defect in the wall of the vagina. It is the surgical intervention for both cystocele (protrusion of bladder into the vagina) and rectocele (protrusion of rectum into the vagina).

Ovarian Surgery – a common surgery that may be performed because of benign situations, endometriosis or cancer

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy ¬– involves disconnecting the uterus, and other structures as needed, by operating only through a laparoscope in the abdomen, starting at the top of the uterus. The entire uterus is disconnected from its attachments using long thin instruments through the ports. Then all tissue to be removed is passed through the vagina or through the tiny half-inch abdominal incisions.


A robotic surgical system designed to enable complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach. Used for many gynecological procedures.

Myomectomy – the surgical removal of uterine fibroids

Uterine and Vaginal Vault Prolapse
Ovarian Fibroid Tumors – surgical procedure where the ovarian tumor is removed

Gynecologic Oncology – treatment of cancers through surgery, including the robotic da Vinci system and radiology

Tuboplasty or Tubal Re-anastomosis – surgical operation to correct a fallopian tube obstruction or adhesion to achieve a pregnancy in women with tubal infertility


At HIMAHEALTH, we’ve designed our Infant Care Center to be the most medically and technically advanced, while maintaining an atmosphere of care and composure. Our loving staff will attend to the every need of the mother and her infant and provide the best service possible at this most important time.

Among the healthcare facilities, amenities, and programs in the Maternal Infant Care Center, you’ll find:

  • Obstetrics
  • Nine Labor Delivery and Recovery Suites (LDRs)
  • Family Labor and Lactation Course
  • 10 Private Suites
  • Maternal Services Coordinator Concierge
  • Rooming-In, select between 12 and 24 hours
  • Courtesy Dinner for Mother and Companion
  • Certified Lactation Nurses

FERTILITY CLINIC – Where Hope is Born

Infertility can be a devastating diagnosis. But it doesn’t have to end your dreams of a family. In fact, one out of six couples are infertile. Many are finding new hope in modern fertility treatments such as we offer here at HIMAHEALTH.

Our U.S. board-certified fertility specialists can guide you through the most appropriate choices for your own treatment in your quest for a family. We offer advanced andrology and embryology in our all-inclusive fertility center, housed within a hospital setting.

Unique to our center is the fact that our medical director is board-certified in both andrology and embryology by the American Board of Bioanalysts. This gives us a comprehensive understanding of each case and an appropriate medical response to each individual challenge. What’s more, our medical director and our chief embryologist are husband and wife, working together as a family – to help you build your own family.

Our mission is to help each patient find the treatment course with which they are most comfortable and for them to fully understand the chances for success. We offer many respected and successful treatments for infertility, including:

  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation – technique that stimulates multiple ovulation using different protocols and hormones (ex. FSH, clomiphene citrate)
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) – process where sperm is prepared, enhanced and then introduced into the uterus at the most appropriate time
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – introduction of eggs and sperm together in a cultured medium where there’s a better chance for early success. After a few days, the viable eggs are transplanted back to the mother, usually at the eight-cell stage.
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) – individual oocytes are microscopically inseminated with individual sperm then allowed to grow, before transplantation back into the mother. This procedure is particularly useful in cases with poor sperm motility or thick egg walls.
  • Blastocyst Transfer Process – cultured IVF eggs are allowed to grow beyond the eight-cell stage in four to six days, which separates the most viable eggs. They are then reintroduced to the mother in smaller numbers, usually two.
  • Donated/Adopted Embryo Implantation – in cases of donated or adopted embryos, we’ll assist with the transplantation to the new mother.
  • Sperm Freezing or Cryopreservation – sperm are frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C. The frozen sperm cells are held in a state of suspended animation and all cellular activity is essentially halted until thawing.
  • Sperm Bank or Cryobank – facility that collects and stores human sperm mainly from sperm donors, primarily for the purpose of achieving pregnancies through third-party reproduction, notably by artificial insemination.